If you create a web or a web log ( blog ), your web isn’listed on any Search Engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other. SEO is the way to listing your web to any search Engine. If you listing your web to search engine like Google. That can make your web, will visit by many visitors in one day. And automatically your pagerank will increased. But if you want it, this is the SEO tips :
1. Configure your HTML, on the HTML. There is the Meta Tag, that useful to make your web popular. You just only type your web keyword on that meta tag. This is the description of meta tag :
meta content="News and Education" name="description"
meta content="Byan Information" name="keywords"
meta content="INDEX, FOLLOW" name="ROBOTS"
Write your web keyword by change ‘Byan Information’
Write your theme of your web by change ‘News and Education’
2. You must use many backlink, that use for make your web popular too. Because, one backlink, that certainly contain your web. You can register to other link. For more example :
a. http://blogcatalog.com
b. http://technorati.com
c. http://growurl.com
d. http://kumpulblogger.com
e. http://topseratus.com
f. http://digg.com
g. http://lintasberita.com
3. Register your web or blog to feedburner to get your link feed.
4. You can advertise your web to your friend’s on Facebook, Friendster, My5page, Myspace, and other.
5. Posting some log, that can interest many visitors.
6. Blogwalking, and greet the other web. And, build the cooperation between you and the other netter.
Use that tips, that can increase your pagerank and will pull many visitor to your web. And I can guaranteed you have more than 30 visitors in one day.